Trenchless Directional Drilling

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Trenchless Directional Drilling Knowledge

Trenchless Directional Drilling Knowledge

As early as around 1600 AD, there were bamboo brine pipes crossing rivers in Sichuan, China. In 1888, the United States used buoys to lay underwater pipelines. Directional drilling pipe laying technology is an advanced pipe laying technology developed abroad in the 1980s. This technology is an advanced non-excavation technology widely used internationally. It uses directional drilling under the soil …


    Wuhan Yichao Technology Equipment Co., Ltd. is a professional supplier of horizontal directional drilling rigs. We are XCMG authorized distributor and has nearly 10 years of trenchless pipeline experience.


    Email: [email protected]

    Tel: 0086-18162684887

    Wechat/WhatsApp: 0086-18162684887/0086-13517277987

    Skype: myfotma


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