The industry is in the ascendant

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Thousands of XCMG Horizontal Directional Drilling Rigs were Launched and Batched in 2019

On June 15th, the batch launching ceremony of the 1000th downline and large tonnage horizontal directional drilling rig of XCMG horizontal directional drilling rig in 2019 was held in XCMG Foundation Company! The foundation of XCMG, which is about to celebrate its 10th anniversary, has once again left a strong and colorful stroke in its own development process! Activity scene …


    Wuhan Yichao Technology Equipment Co., Ltd. is a professional supplier of horizontal directional drilling rigs. We are XCMG authorized distributor and has nearly 10 years of trenchless pipeline experience.


    Email: [email protected]

    Tel: 0086-18162684887

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