Troubleshoot and solve the oil leakage of horizontal directional drilling rig
1. Treatment method for oil leakage at the bottom of the overflow valve: replace the sealing ring and remove the connecting bolt.
2. Treatment method for oil leakage at the back of the overflow valve: tighten the bolts with an Allen wrench.
1. The valve bottom sealing ring is damaged. Solution: Replace the sealing ring.
2. Treatment method for excessively long connecting bolts: Replace the bolts.
3. Treatment method of sealant agglomeration: remove sealant agglomeration.
1. How to deal with the damage of the piston seal ring: replace the seal ring.
2. The hydraulic lock can’t lock the processing method: clean the hydraulic lock spool, loosen the two screws of the hydraulic lock, and remove the spool.
1. Treatment method for joint loosening due to vibration: Tighten the joint.
2. Washer damage treatment method: replace the washer.
3. Treatment method of joint slippage: replace the joint.
4. Treatment method of joint deformation: replace joint.
1. The tubing joint bursts off. Re-rivet and weld the tubing joint.
2. High-pressure tubing bursts. Replace the tubing.
3. The low-pressure tubing bursts belly and repair it with waterproof tape.